
Membres Corr. Etrangers
Membre Corr. Etranger 18.10.1986
Collections :
* Entiers Postaux, timbres fiscaux et Histoire Postale de Grande Bretagne
* Suède: Traditionnelle, Histoire Postale et entiers Postaux
* Entiers Postaux : British Levant, île Maurice et monde entier
Philatelic distinctions :
* Roll of Distinguished Philatelists 1983 – Member of the Order of the British Empire 1996
* Crawford medal 1980
* Lichtenstein medal 1993
* FIP medal for Service 2004
* FEPA medal for Service to European Philately 2009
Exhibitions :
* international Early British postal stationery grand or (Philaserdica 79 -Wipa 81 – Ausipex84 classe FIP (Stockholmia 86 – Capex 87 – Sofia 89 – Bangkok 93 – Philakorea 94)
Cour d’Honneur (London 90 – Belgica 90 – Finlandia 95 – Moscou 97 –
Praga 98)
W. Wyon-Embossed stationery or (Arphila 75 – Norwex 80)
Postal stationery of King Edward VII grand or (Stockholmia 86-Philanippon 91-2001)
Prestamped postcards 1870-1901 or (Sofia 89)
British Levant Postal Stationery” grand or (Brasiliana 93-Philakorea 2002)
Stamped to 0rder Postal Stationery grand or (Indepex 97 – Wipa 2000 – Efira 2008)
Prestamped Foreign Rate Postcards grand or (Pacific Explorer 2005)
Gr.Br. Wrappers 1870-1940 grand or (St Petersburg 2007)
Early Embossed P.O. P.S. Issues grand or (Espana 2004)
Prestamped Telegr. Forms 1870-1954 or (China 99)
Mauritius Postal Stationary grand or (Brasiliana 2013)
Publications :
* British Postal Stationery (1970 et 1971)
* The De la Rue Punch Book (1979)
* Specimen Stamps and Stationery of Great Britain (avec M. Samuel – 1980)
* The Telegraph Stamps and stationery of GB 1851-1954 (avec P. Langmead – 2003)
* Collect British Postal Stationery (avec C. Baker-2008)
* The Mulready Postal Stationary (with A. Holyoake – 2015)
Memership of foreign societies or academy’s :
* Membre correspondant étranger de l’Académie de Philatélie de Paris – Honorary Fellow of the RPSL
* Membre honoraire de l’AEP
* Membre de l’A.I.E.P.
Philatelic functions :
* Membre de Jury FIP depuis 1974 et secrétaire de différents jurys (1989 – 2001)
* Ancien président de la Commission des Entiers Postaux de la FIP (1990-2004)
* Ancien Président de la Royal Philatelic Society et de la Great Britain Philatelic Society
* Ancien Chairman de “London 90» – Chairman of the London 2010 Festival of stamps Advisory Board
* Ancien Chairman & Président honoraire de la Fédération of European Philatelic Associations
* Ancien Chairman de la Postal Stationery Society et de la British Philatelic Trust
* Keeper of the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists (2004-2009)
* Life member of the Postal Stationary Society